SEO copywriting, or how evergreen content is created


SEO copywriting is a great tool to get people interested in your site. Why? Because in good SEO copy, information, content and style work together with technique. After all, people today are hungry for information. And where do they get it? On the internet. Whatever the topic, you'll find everything from gardening to car repair to cooking. A well-written text, properly optimised, will bring a lot of visitors to your site. For years.

Why is good quality text important?

One of the most important aspects of SEO copywriting is the quality of the text itself. Because even if everything else is optimised with pinpoint accuracy, even if all keywords are perfectly calculated and placed in the text with geometric precision, even if we pay attention to every detail, from the meta description to the image alt text - if the content itself is not good, then we will not achieve anything. Search engine optimisation or not.

Why? Because Google's aim is to direct attention towards texts which have been written for readers, not for search engines. Search engines try to bring forward the most relevant articles possible for a keyword to serve the reader. Google will notice if the post solely serves search engines instead of readers, and thus will rank it lower.

So, on the one hand, it's important for search engine optimisation that the text you write is readable, entertaining and informative

But is that the only reason why quality matters? Think about it: if you write text for marketing purposes, you want to send a message to your readers, don't you? That's why you are also targeting your prospective customers or clients with your posts and writings. In the case of SEO copywriting, we are not writing marketing copy directly, but in a more indirect way. We answer your questions, we inform you, in the most readable way possible, and in doing so we prove our expertise. That’s why advertising is as important as landing pages with CTA buttons or search engine optimisation itself. Because we create trust, we create a relationship.

What is a good text? On the one hand, it attracts the attention of readers, and of course it is important that it provides useful information. Content and style both matter. It should be clear and structured, straight-forward, yet stylish.

SEO copywriting, or how evergreen content is made

What does a search engine optimised text look like?

Which aspects are the most important when it comes to search engine optimisation? How to write a text that Google will like?

The most important part of SEO copywriting is of course the content itself. But don't forget that the content you write must be search engine optimised as well. 

Search engines take into account a wide range of factors, and the most important goal of a precise algorithm has already been mentioned: to deliver the most relevant and useful text to the user searching for a given keyword. And that's about it.

The importance of keyword research

To ensure your text is search engine optimised, the presence of relevant keywords is crucial. However, it's not just about having keywords; it's about choosing the right ones. Neglecting essential tasks like keyword research can undermine all your hard work.

A successful text not only incorporates your chosen keyword but also thoroughly explores the subject matter your audience is seeking. Thus, your selected keyword should naturally align with the text's main theme. It's imperative to seamlessly integrate the keyword throughout your content. If your content genuinely covers the topic, this should be a seamless process. Nevertheless, remember to include the keyword in the title of at least one paragraph.

Additionally, consider the power of long-tail keywords. For instance, instead of only using “SEO copywriting” as a keyword, use "SEO copywriting importance” as well. These complex keywords still adhere to search engine optimization rules and should be part of your strategy.

Internal links

Your posts and articles should refer to other ones, mentioning topics that have already been discussed in other articles. Preferably, these articles should be linked to each other with keyword-rich internal links. Of course, if you write posts on related topics, this should not be a difficult task.

What are the most important SEO settings for a post?

What do you need to pay attention to when trying to write the content of an article or any text with SEO in mind? We've already given you some tips in our article on SEO basics, but here we'll give you some ideas specifically for the search engine optimisation of your texts.


One of the most important aspects in the title. The title section should include the keyword, preferably as close to the beginning as possible, and without any prefixes.


The URL is also very important, as search bots also take the URL into account when trying to identify a page. If you are using Wordpress, you don't have to worry about the URL because it is generated from the address. But you can edit it.

Meta description

In your SEO settings, don't overlook the importance of crafting an effective meta description. The meta description is the snippet of text displayed beneath the title and URL in Google's search results. A compelling meta description plays a pivotal role in driving clicks to your content. It should be concise and engaging, incorporating the relevant search term.

Google gauges the length of text that can be displayed in pixels, but as a general guideline, the first 160 characters of your description are what most users will see in the results. Keep in mind that you should avoid using 160 identical characters or "w's." Instead, focus on creating a meaningful and coherent message that entices users to click.

Title and heading structure (H1-H6)

In almost all cases, it's a best practice to designate your post's title with H1 heading markup, while the subsequent sections and paragraphs within your content can be structured using H2 through H6 tags. This organized hierarchy not only enhances readability but also provides a strategic placement for your keywords. Search engines pay close attention to headings, making them an excellent opportunity to reinforce your content's relevance.

Optimizing Images for SEO

When it comes to images, the most critical element is the alt text (known as replacement text in WordPress). Ensure that the alt text incorporates the primary keyword related to the image. Additionally, it's advisable to use keyword-rich file names for your images, preferably in English characters. Don't forget to include the keyword in the actual names of the image files as well.

Keyword Density

While it's often suggested to include a keyword multiple times in an article, there's no specific rule governing the ideal keyword density. This varies depending on your competition. Google evaluates your content in relation to competing material for the same keywords. Therefore, it's crucial to analyze your competitors to determine the optimal keyword density.

SEO, in all its complexity, lacks a fixed set of criteria; it's an empirical process. If top-ranking articles from authoritative websites typically mention a specific keyword five to six times in content of similar length, then including only two instances may not suffice. Conversely, if you've already included the keyword ten times, that might be excessive. Your strategy should align with the competition you're facing. Analyzing competitors and benchmarking your approach against theirs is essential. SEO PowerSuite's Website Auditor can be a valuable tool in this regard, helping you make informed decisions and stay competitive.

Tips for SEO copywriting

A few more tips for good SEO copy to make your search engine optimization even better!

The role of synonyms in search engine optimisation

We've emphasized the significance of keywords in SEO, but it's essential to recognize that search engine algorithms also take synonyms into account. Embrace synonyms to diversify your content and prevent keyword clustering, a practice that involves overusing a single keyword. Striking the right balance is crucial because excessive keyword repetition can be counterproductive. Search algorithms strive to understand the context and relevance of words to the page's topic or post's keyword.


Duplication becomes a non-issue when your content genuinely delves into the topic rather than catering solely to search engines. Google, in particular, frowns upon duplicate content. To maintain a strong online presence, it's imperative that you refrain from copying content. Originality is the key to online success, as it distinguishes your content from the rest.


We humans are extremely curious creatures, and are hungry for a lot of information. We should satiate this curiosity by providing valuable content. When clients and customers pose questions on specific subjects, it's a sure sign that others will inquire as well. Collect this valuable information and craft informative posts. By utilizing the SEO techniques discussed above, you can create evergreen content that draws potential customers to your website via Google's search results, establishing your authority in your niche.

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